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Creepy Cover

Hello there. Now that Glimpse has been published and it is starting to get noticed, I’ve had a number of people ask about my “creepy cover”. So I thought I would address that.

A number of years ago my parents asked me to digitize some of their old slides from the 1950’s through the 1980’s. While working on their 70’s slides I came across a photo of a doll head sitting on a tree stump in our backyard. Apparently our dog had chewed the head off my sisters doll and my dad thought it would look cool to take a picture of it. He was really into picture taking then. When I saw it I had just started formulating the idea for Glimpse and I noticed when I looked closely at the picture there were what looked like flames glowing in its eye sockets. It hit me that even though our bodies get old, abused, diseased, and broken down our spirit continues on. I knew it had to be involved in my cover design.

Now about the cemetery. Since my characters spend a lot of time in one I thought I would use that as a backdrop to the image of the doll.

Fast forward to December of last year LifeRich ended up sending me three cover mockups to look at. When I opened the first one, which is my current cover, I felt they nailed it perfectly.

So there you have it!

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